I appreciate that contacting me could feel like a daunting prospect, but since you’ve got this far then I suspect that you’re serious about getting some support. If you call or email me then we can arrange an initial meeting and I can answer any questions you may have. Our first session will give you the opportunity to begin to get a sense of me and the way I work. But do remember that you are under no obligation to start therapy with me following the meeting.
Years of research has shown that a key contributor to successful therapy is the client-therapist relationship, and so it is essential to choose someone with whom you feel some rapport and, of course, that might not be me. There is also the possibility that I may feel that another therapist would be better equipped to help than me. If I’m unable to help you, for whatever reason, I will try to suggest other options.
Please email me at deborah(Replace this parenthesis with the @ sign)warmanfreed.com or call / text me on 07977 147502.